Tuesday 11 May 2010



Monday 3 May 2010

How does your media Product represent particular social groups?

The only age group in our film was a young adults/teenagers, this shown by the costuming, language etc. As a group we tryed to portayed them as young by the stereotypes of society of rule/law breaking but also young binge drinkers and violent.
In our opening there is arguments but also bitching which is a comment representation of young people in society, for example the male and the female character arguing and then turning out into a physical movement which is audience presume the male is pulling the female, but also when you see a female saying 'I hate Annabelle, shes a total bitch', which is bitching.
Other representations of young females of make up, the audience see many scenes of the females putting on makeup, but also in the party scene the costuming of the females is the representation of the sex object.
By doing res each i have found that women as usually portrayed in the media as emotional,weak and dominated by males, where as the male character is opposite by being the hard character and emotionless.
In our opening the males and females don't follow common conventions of how they are portaged, for example the female character isn't perceived as weak as she is the victim, where as the male isn't as emotionless as portrayed, where as you can see the in the film the male character seems angry. The females in our opening are quite dominating which again doesn't follow the typical representation because the main female in our film seems confident and she stands up for her self for example when the male shouts at her, she shouts back. The female being represented as a "Sex object" is defiantly shown in the opening by the extreme close up of her body, and her costuming of her short skirt. Different females look in the mirror several of times so this portrays the representation of vein but also of her putting on make up to become the "sex object".
There are less male characters in this opening so it was harder to show there representations. Only one male has a main part and he only says 5words, so shows he doesn't have dominant in the film. He says 'he is no good for you' which show he is controlling but also quite powerful, this scene is then followed by the females arm being dragged by what looks like the males dragging her so the male is portrayed as violent but also again powerful.
Horror Representation Compared to our film.
Males in horror films are likely to be seen as the killer/stalker and the victim being a young blond female.

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
As a group we had two production companys in mind. Our first idea was "Fox Searchlight Pictures". We picked this becuase as a company they represent many british films but also produced horror films, so it linked to our genre. It distibuted films such as "28 days later".

Instead of using "Fox Searchlight Pictures" as a group we decied to use "New Line Cinema". This comapny has disrubited alot more horror films, so is well known to produce good horrors, which will attract a wider audience for our film, but also Most New Line cinema films have common conventions of sharing the theme of teenage love obsession, which links to our film. Films New Line Cinema produced is films such as, ‘Friday the 13th’, Texas Chainsaw Massacre’ and ‘Nightmare on Elm Street’.